Harold Hodge Jr
Director  Writer  Activist
Writing samples and script excerpts can be requested at haroldhodgejr@gmail.com

Fancy Maids
After several successful productions, Fancy Maids was published and is available for licensing through Stage Rights.
The War of Mortal Blood

*indicates scripts that have been awarded
*Fancy Maids
*Bad Soil
*The Boy in the ChurchÂ
*Candyland: The Musical (Book)Â
Slasher the Musical (Book)
The SurvivorsÂ
Sarah's BookÂ
The Christmas Effect
*Star CrossedÂ
Before the Body's ColdÂ
The Incident at SeaÂ
Cindy's Happy Halloween
Fiction and Poetry
Imagination (Poem): Published in Sun55 Literary Magazine
Po' Folks Dinner (Short Story): Honored at Pace Writing Awards
Keep Ya Head Up Sister (Poem): Honored at Pace Writing Awards
I Didn't Says Yes (Poem): Honored at Pace Writing Awards